How to Be a Good student

The Basics of Being a Good Student
Prioritize your life: Doing well in school should be your top priority.
  • Study: There is no substitute.
  • Always attend class.
  • Do all of the homework and assigned reading.
  • Develop self-discipline.
  • Manage your time.
Self-Discipline Made Easy
Human beings are creatures of habit. Therefore, form a habit of doing what you reason you should do. Is it not foolish for your behavior to contradict your own reasoning? And what could be more harmonious than finding yourself wanting to do what you know you should?
Train yourself so there is an immediate reaction-mechanism within you:
You reason that you should do something, and thus you do it.
Other people who seem to have less difficulty with self-discipline probably have simply had more practice at it, thereby making it less difficult; because, practice is what it takes.
Time Management
No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. Good time-management requires:
  1. Note taking on more than you can handle.
  2. Reasonably estimating the time required to perform each of the tasks at hand.
  3. Actually doing what needs to be done.
Only you can do these things. A couple of thoughts, though, that may help spur you on:
  • A minute now is as precious as a minute later. You can't put time back on the clock.
  • If you're not ahead of schedule, then you're behind schedule. Because, if you try to remain right on schedule, then any mishap or misjudgment will cause you to fall behind---perhaps right at the deadline, when no recovery is possible.
  • Understand, and be honest with, yourself. All else follows from this.
  • Be both athlete and coach: Keep one eye on what you are doing, and one eye on yourself.
  • Take command of, and responsibility for, yourself.
  • Face your insecurities head-on. Some common signs of insecurity: Asking a question to which you already know the answer; being artificially social with instructors or other students, when the real reason is to temporarily kill the pain.
  • Form a positive self-image: Those students who are first entering college will probably have doubts about how well they will do. Try to do well immediately to instill an expectation of continuing to do well. Settle for nothing less. Nevertheless, try not be restricted by your past performance and experiences, good or bad. Learn from the past, but don't be bound by it. Seek out your weaknesses and attack them. Be realistic about your limitations; but, don't let this lead to becoming satisfied with them.
Taking a Course
Each student's attitude is some mixture of the following:
  • He/She wants to learn the material.
  • He/She wants to get a good grade.
  • He/She doesn't care.
Each instructor's attitude is some mixture of the following:
  • He/She wants students to learn the material.
  • He/She wants grading to be fair and reflect students' knowledge and abilities.
  • He/She doesn't care.
In order to do well in a course, it is up to you (the student) to do two things:
  1. Learn the material.
  2. Learn the instructor.
As for the latter, pay attention in class to the instructor's patterns, to what he/she emphasizes, etc. Gather information about the instructor from other students. A good instructor, however, will present their course in such a way that it will be of little benefit for the student to try to learn him/her, thereby forcing their students to learn the material.
  • Keep in mind that your work is being graded by a human being. Thus:
    • Write legibly, orderly, and coherently.
    • Supply any commentary necessary to make it clear what you are attempting to do.
    Making the grader's job easier will more likely lead to you getting the benefit of doubt when it occurs.
  • Don't think that getting the right answer to a homework problem implies that you have mastered the corresponding material. All you have done is solve one particular problem; that does not mean you have necessarily learned how to solve all such problems (such as the ones to appear on your exams). It's up to you to view the homework problems from this wider perspective.
  • If available, always go over the solutions provided by the instructor, even if you did well on the assignment. He/She may demonstrate methods (perhaps more efficient) or provide useful information that you hadn't thought of.
  • Preparation:
    • Roughly prioritize material as to its importance (primary, secondary, tertiary), and concentrate your studying on the most significant topics. Remember, the instructor only has a limited amount of time to test what you know and can do. Thus, keep in mind when preparing for an exam that the problems cannot be too complicated if they are to fit within the allotted time.
    • Study in ways that are suited to you.
      • Study with a group or alone based upon which is really best for you.
      • Do your most strenuous and important work during those times of the day that you work best.
    • Summarize or outline the course or text material in your own words. Writing a summary not only forces you to examine the subject matter in detail, but provides a compendium to review just prior to the exam.
    • Play it safe: Memorize somewhat more than what the instructor says is required. Bring a calculator even if it's not suggested. Etc.
    • Study old exams if the instructor is known to give similar exams. But, don't be fooled into thinking that since you were able to work through an old exam, it means you understand all the course material in general, and can perform in a test situation.
    • Bring your own paper and a watch.
    • Fighting exam anxiety: Convince yourself that all you can do is all you can do; but, don't let that lead you to become complacent. Just be determined to be "on" for the duration of the exam. (Give yourself a pep-talk to this effect prior to each exam.)
  • Starting the exam:
    • Read the instructions thoroughly and carefully.
    • Skim over the entire exam prior to beginning work.
    • Don't necessarily do the problems in order. Instead, get those problems out of the way you feel confident you can do quickly and well. Observe how the problems are weighted, and direct your efforts to where you believe you can pick up points most easily. This does not necessarily mean attempting the most heavily weighted problem first; rather, it means first doing the problem for which you can accumulate points at the fastest rate. Indeed, there is a good chance that this is not the most heavily weighted problem, since many instructors dislike giving any one problem significantly greater or fewer points than the average, thereby underweighting the harder problems and overweighting the easier ones.
    • Before writing on any given problem, think. A small investment in time at the beginning can save time overall (for you might thereby choose a more efficient method of solving the problem).
    • Do precisely what is requested. In particular, don't waste time doing things that will not receive credit. For example, unless explicitly required, do not rewrite the exam problems on your paper.
  • Pace yourself through the exam. Example: On a 50-minute exam worth a 100 points, you should be accumulating 2 points per minute; thus, a 26-point problem should be completed in 13 minutes. Do this calculation at the start of the exam if the problem weights are given.
  • If only for psychological reasons, most graders use nonlinear grading by which the early points of a problem are easier to get:
    Therefore, always write something (meaningful) down for every problem, if only a little. At the other end, even with linear grading, there are diminishing returns in terms of points-per-effort in trying to squeeze every last point out of a given problem; if time is low, it may be better to move on.
  • Communicate with the grader. In particular, if you are running out of time, state the steps you would perform if you were to continue the problem.
  • Show your work and make clear your reasoning in order to have a chance to receive partial credit.
  • As with homework, and even more importantly, neatness counts.
  • In courses on subjective material (e.g., humanities), just regurgitate the material from class and the text(s). Supplying you own opinions may sound good in theory, but it has the risk of running counter to the opinions of the instructor or grader. Conversely, restatements of the class/text material are easy for the grader to recognize as something deserving credit. Remember: Unless the exam is multiple-choice, then a human being---who typically wants to grade the many exams in front of him/her as quickly and painlessly as possible---is doing the grading.
  • Always check over your answers if you have time.
Further Suggestions
  • Unify and simplify your knowledge: A textbook presents the subject in a particular form, as does an instructor. By their very natures, however, textbooks and lectures tend to present subjects sequentially. Take the extra step of understanding the material in your terms, which may involve recognizing relationships that could not be conveniently expressed in the order presented in the text(s) and lectures.
  • Remember, almost every logically consistent topic is simple at its foundation. Try to recognize the simple underlying relationships in the subject at hand; these are often left unstated by instructors and textbooks.
  • Try to learn general principles and methods. Learning by examples (putting the new in terms of the familiar) can only take you so far.
  • Learn as many methods of problem-solving as you can. This is especially helpful for exams, when time is of the essence.
  • Ask yourself questions. Why didn't the instructor or text(s) do this or that? Explore your own ideas. Try to understand the course material in detail.
  • It is often said that the best way to learn something is to teach it. Do you know the subject matter well enough to explain it clearly and completely to someone else?
  • Learn by observing others. Notice what works for them and consider incorporating those methods into yourself. Ask yourself "Why didn't I think of that?", and try to develop the related ability.
  • Attempt to be methodical, neat, legible, deliberate, precise, knowledgeable, and reliable on the one hand, and creative, spontaneous, imaginative, smart, clever, articulate, and flexible on the other. The first mentality thrives on order, and inherently tries to do well what it already knows how to do; the second mentality thrives on disorder, and inherently tries to expand upon its abilities. Adopt the best of these two mentalities. Remember, every tool is a potential crutch. The first mentality may rely too heavily on already-mastered skills; but, the second mentality may fail to carefully apply those same skills.
  • Think about and question everything, even the statements appearing here (and, yourself!). But, realize that it is equally foolish to be different merely for the sake of being different, as it is to mindlessly conform to the norm.
  • For maximum efficiency, have several projects going at once. Then, if you get tired, frustrated, or bored working on one item, you can easily move onto something else, thereby staying productive as well as giving pending problems a chance to work themselves out subconsciously.
  • Anticipate. For example, you may need to ask the instructor about the present assignment, but he/she is only guaranteed to be available at certain times; therefore, you should look over the assignment early.
  • Forget pulling "all-nighters". These merely amount to borrowing from tomorrow, at which time you will find yourself considerably less functional. All-nighters are really an indication of not having properly planned your activities.
  • If possible, bring your textbook(s) to class.
  • Take your lecture notes in pencil, since any modifications can then be made quickly and neatly.

how to become a excellent student


  • Neat writing always helps on tests or in general so it's easy for the teacher to see what you have written.
  • Sleep an adequate amount each night. You know your own body's needs, so conform to that and keep healthy and alert.
  • Find out your learning style (ex. visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and look online to find out about study habits that match your learning style. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is! But be sure to answer the quiz questions truthfully.
  • If you can play an instrument, sing, or have any musical skills, try to play a little every day. Not only will it improve your skill and ability, but it will allow you to focus on homework, schoolwork, essays, etc.
  • Never let your parents put too much pressure on you. Tell parents who are pressuring you too much to give you space to let you breathe. Make it clear that you can't handle too much stress. After you tell them, give them a nice hug.
  • Do well in school, meaning stay focused, educated, and on top of your work. Stay out of trouble. Be a good kid and stay away from 'in' crowds and learn to be more mature. Be the bigger person and a nice person who is respectful and has a positive attitude.
  • Use good handwriting, so that the teachers understand what you're saying.
  • Have a notebook for writing down important things, like test dates, presentations, and assignments. It feels really good to write down your accomplishments and check off that box, even if it is just for yourself. Then you can read over it later and think: "Look at that, I did that?"
  • Give yourself a lot of confidence and ask for help from your parents to learn much more about math, history, science and vocabulary.
  • Ask for a tutor if you consider this will be of help

The Secret to Getting People to Give: 14 Reasons Why People Donate

How To Get Non Profit Donations

Giving isn’t a business transaction. It’s a human connection. To inspire donors to give, you need to make a meaningful connection by showing them why they matter and how they can make a difference. When you understand why your donors give, you’ll be able to make a more effective appeal.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to your donors personally and find out why they give. Their stories matter, and sharing them creates inspiration for others to follow their example. (If you don’t have an easy way to keep track of your relationships with your donors, check out Network for Good’s easy donor management system.)
That being said, here are some of the top reasons why donors give:
  1. Someone I know asked me to give, and I wanted to help them
  2. I felt emotionally moved by someone’s story
  3. I want to feel I’m not powerless in the face of need and can help (this is especially true during disasters)
  4. I want to feel I’m changing someone’s life
  5. I feel a sense of closeness to a community or group
  6. I want to memorialize someone (who is struggling or died of a disease, for example)
  7. I was raised to give to charity—it’s tradition in my family
  8. I want to be “hip,” and supporting this charity (i.e., wearing a yellow wrist band) is in style
  9. It makes me feel connected to other people and builds my social network
  10. I want to have a good image for myself/my company
  11. I want to leave a legacy that perpetuates me, my ideals or my cause
  12. I feel fortunate and want to give something back to others
  13. I give for religious reasons—my faith teaches me to help others
  14. I want to be seen as a leader/role model
    Get the right tool to help you raise more money for your cause. Learn more about Network for Good’s products. 
  • People act from the heart, not the head. Yes, your nonprofit has to show that it’s a good steward of donor money and you need to impart where all that generosity is going, but your appeal must contain more than numbers and pie charts.
  • Giving is a personal act. Your appeals need to be donor-centric. Make sure to tell your donor why they should care, and why they matter to your organization. Learn more about crafting your call-to-action and writing personal emails.
  • The act of giving is immediate. Give your donors the opportunity to act here and now. Your relationship with them will be long-term, but their willingness to give is now—let them act on it.
There are many reasons why people give. When you’re crafting your next fundraising appeal, take this list out and ask yourself if you’ve tapped into these reasons.

7 Tips on Asking for Donations — It’s Intimidating, We Get It


When it comes to asking for donations, most of us head for the hills.
We get it. It’s intimidating to ask other people to part with their hard earned cash. They might ask, “Why?” And we might not have a great answer.
At its heart, fundraising is helping others connect an existing passion directly to your cause.We don’t convince donors. We help them realize that they already care.
Once donors believe that your cause truly matters, giving almost becomes an afterthought. Of course they’ll give! The question simply becomes how much to ask for.
But until then, you won’t have to sweat your fundraising ask if you follow these seven tips:

7 Tips on Asking for Donations

1. Research Your Donors to Read Their Minds

The words you want them to say: “Wow, it’s like he read my mind!
How do you get to that point? You research your donor as an individual, but you also have a broad depth of general research on the kinds of people who donate to your nonprofit as a whole group.
You need to be able to answer these questions if you want to get into a donor’s heart:
  • What kinds of words do they use? What do they talk about when they’re feeling passionate?
  • What do they care about? What other causes are they a part of?
  • Do they have a history of giving?
  • What are their common objections, fears and concerns about giving?
Thanks to the web, we have more access to information about our donors than ever, as well as the ability to survey our donors and examine how they talk about our cause.
Note, however, that if you survey your donors or ask questions of a potential donor, you have to learn to read the answer behind the answer.
We have to address the fears and risks every donor feels, even if the donor herself can’t identify them out loud. And then, we get to connect their existing passions and desires to your NPO, using the same language they use.
In other words, understand your donor base so well it’s like you’ve read their minds.
Don’t worry, this is easier than it sounds if you follow the next six tips…

2. Practice, Practice, PRACTICE – And Then Practice Some More

The best way to dominate your donor visits, get more funds and create real, lasting connections with your nonprofit … is to PRACTICE every aspect of your ask.
In other words, by the time you are actually sitting in front of a prospect, you should have rehearsed the many paths the conversation could take MANY times before. Understanding your talking points, how you’ll graciously address common objections and the exact way you’ll frame your ask allows you to stop thinking about these things and just focus on talking with the donor.
Practice your ask. Can’t emphasize it enough.
Run through how you’ll call them on the phone. Plan on how to structure your meeting. Decide how long you’ll small talk at the beginning, and how to transition smoothly into the ask itself. Leave no stone unturned!
The key to this:
  • Practice out loud.
  • Then, practice in front of a mirror.
  • Then, record yourself on video practicing.
It’s painful, but you’ll learn things about your delivery and be far more confident and free when it comes to actually making the ask. Don’t skip this step.

3. Never, Ever Surprise Your Prospect

If your potential donor is ever surprised you’re asking them for money, something is deeply amiss.
Make it clear in your first call or contact that you’re interested in talking to them about your cause and how they might be able to get involved. Make it clear that, while you’re interested in them as a person, there’s a deeper purpose for your visit. That way, they’ll be able to prepare their response, objections and questions.

4. Stop Being Boring (It Isn’t Worth It)

Boring feels safe. No presenter who just reads bullet points off a PowerPoint instead does it because they want their audience to eagerly contemplate running from the room.
Nope, they do it because it feels safe. Reading a PowerPoint feels like an easy way to tell your audience all the info they want and be sure not to forget anything important. But instead, you fail to keep your audience engaged.
The actual way to be safe is what we discussed above: PRACTICE. Then you won’t need slides, and you can focus instead on not being boring.
Don’t be scared of sounding weird or too forward by asking things like, “What do you think is the biggest challenge we face in this area?” Provoke interesting reactions that are memorable, not boring, formulaic encounters.
Of course, your real goal is to make your donor both catch your enthusiasm and feel understood. But to get there, you need let yourself be not-boring enough that they can have fun talking to you.

5. Ask for Advice – You’ll Usually End Up with Money

The old fundraising maxim applies here:
“Ask for money, you’ll get advice. Ask for advice, you’ll get money.”
What most people truly want is to be heard. Asking for advice means that they will freely tell you the secret thing they are most passionate about, as well as their biggest fears about giving.
And most importantly, the donor will feel valued and important. Which they are! They’re the ones whose enthusiasm makes changes happen in the world. So ask them for their input and impressions.
For more tips on the advice visit, check out Gail Perry’s great article on how advice visits can open any door in town.

6. Your Secret Weapon is Pointed Silence

Our culture HATES silence. We want to fill it. This is one reason why extroverted salespeople and fundraisers can do worse than introverts.
But often times, the most important, meaningful thing – the thing your prospect REALLY wants to tell you – won’t be said if you quickly fill the silence.
Bad Fundraiser: “What’s the most important thing about the environment to you?”

Donor: “Well, I think environmental damage is a pretty big problem. We’re hurting the environment forever and we don’t even realize it!”

Bad Fundraiser: “Yeah, you’re so right! That’s why our Program X is so important! Let me tell you… [Donor hears: “blah blah blah”]
NOOOOOOOO—don’t do this! Your funding for next year will die a thousand painful deaths.
Here’s how that conversation could have gone:
Superman Fundraiser: “What’s the most important thing about the environment to you?”

Donor: “Well, I think environmental damage is a pretty big problem. We’re hurting the environment forever and we don’t even realize it!”

Superman Fundraiser: “How interesting!” [shuts up and looks genuinely interested]

Donor: [feels like he should talk because of the silence] “… yeah! It’s really crazy. In fact, the other day I was thinking about when I was a kid and would go out and look at the stars in the country and see meteors and all kinds of awesome stuff. But now that the city is so big, and there’s so much light pollution and smog, when I go out with MY kids to our cabin we’re lucky to see anything. It’s so sad.”
WOW. And you were about to start making a generic appeal about one of your programs, totally at random! Now you have so much material to work with, and know exactly the RIGHT program to talk about.
Your donor has practically sold themselves, all because you shut up! You’re fundraising forthis guy’s kids’ happiness now, not your program!
Too many advice-givers say “just listen better!” but fail to tell you that means “shut up and allow silence, even if it feels awkward at first.” Great journalists love this technique – it gets them the best interviews and quotes.
By the way, this works in discussions of all kinds – whether you’re negotiating a contract, your salary, trying to understand your significant other or asking for a donation. Use strategic silence next time you talk with anyone. Its effects feel almost magical.

7. Ask for a Specific Amount (Don’t Make Your Donor Do Any Work)

Finally, always ask for a specific amount to contribute to the cause.
Why is this important? Because it takes the burden off of the donor to figure out what size of a donation is necessary. They don’t know anything about your campaign goals. You do. So help them out. Don’t make your donor do the work.
For some great, non-confrontational phrases to ask for a specific donation amount, I recommend checking out Marc Pitman’s excellent post on his favorite major donor fundraising phrases.
We get it. Asking for money is intimidating.
But it’s also an immense privilege. You’re inviting other people to take action on a cause that they genuinely care about.
You’re selling significance. And at the end of the day, most people don’t mind feeling like they’re making an outsized impact on the world.

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