1. Believe in yourself. You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly.
  1. Take action. Losers watch things happen, winners make things happen. Dream big dreams, but don't sit on them – start moving! Every step up will open new horizons!
  1. Approach impossible as possible. Winners believe that everything can be changed and approach impossible is possible. Losers believe than nothing can be changed and approach possible is impossible. Both winners and losers achieve according to their beliefs. 
  1. Keep stretching. Compete with yourself! Choose progressively more challenging tasks. Keep  stretching yourself to unlock your true potential. Winning is about overcoming. Whatever stretch goal you are striving to achieve, whether you are working on a challenging project, or trying to  solve a difficult problem, or fighting a powerful enemy, or correcting your own personal weaknesses, you are a winner if you manage to overcome all the obstacles and make your dream a reality.
  2. Focus on solutions and  opportunities. The distance between a big  problem and a great creative solution can be uncover able or very short – it all depends on your mindset. When a problem arises, don't talk about the problem for too long; start talking about creative solutions and opportunities
  3. Develop a burning desire to achieve success. Problem solving starts with a burning desire to change something and an open mind.   
  4. Do your best. Make doing nothing but the best your habit and you will enjoy nothing but the best in your life.  
  5. Keep learning to keep winning. In today's rapidly changing World, the key to success is not what you know, but how fast you can learn. If you keep learning from any sources, especially from feedback and failures, you can turn any experience into success.  
  1. Don’t look back, look forward. You might have lost a game yesterday – don't cry over it. It's not something to be pity of. It's a lesson and a new reality. Today you start a fresh new game, the score is 0:0, and you must win!
  2. Conquer your weaknesses. The Earth is the place to learn to conquer yourself, not others. External victories bring temporary happiness. Conquering yourself brings lasting happiness

why vegetable price go high

vegetable price goes high because of these factors 

1-now day people never try to grow vegetable in their house garden 
2-they are not interest to eat vegetable
3-they interest for frozen food or fast food
4-they cut trees so our plant goes hot and without rain vegetable cultivation or farming minimize
5-everyone interest for oily or non veg food   

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